Beiträge von Quarato

    Hey ich kriege folgenden fehler :
    [2014-06-21 18:41:08] File 'settings.xml' not present, creating new node.
    [2014-06-21 18:41:08] Resource 'acpanel' requests some acl rights. Use the command 'aclrequest list acpanel'
    [2014-06-21 18:41:08] ERROR: Couldn't find script server/admin_acl.lua for resource admin2
    [2014-06-21 18:41:08] Loading of resource 'admin2' failed
    [2014-06-21 18:41:09] ERROR: Couldn't parse meta file for resource 'vio'
    [2014-06-21 18:41:09] Loading of resource 'vio' failed
    [2014-06-21 18:41:09] Resources: 196 loaded, 0 failed
    [2014-06-21 18:41:09] Starting resources...
    [2014-06-21 18:41:09] INFO: Admin added 492 missing rights
    [2014-06-21 18:41:09] Server minclientversion is now 1.3.4
    [2014-06-21 18:41:09] Querying MTA master server... success!
    [2014-06-21 18:41:10] Server started and is ready to accept connections!
    [2014-06-21 18:41:10] To stop the server, type 'shutdown' or press Ctrl-C
    [2014-06-21 18:41:10] Type 'help' for a list of commands.
    [2014-06-21 18:41:16] CONNECT: [WMR]Azure connected (IP: Serial: 78009F6538E68B9F3B93D96639F40EA3 Version: 1.3.5-9.06471.0)
    [2014-06-21 18:41:17] JOIN: [WMR]Azure joined the game (IP:
    [2014-06-21 18:41:20] CONNECT: Golden_Blood connected (IP: Serial: 30E58E6E788DBB468463DB41D0ACFEA4 Version: 1.3.5-9.06471.0)
    [2014-06-21 18:41:21] JOIN: Golden_Blood joined the game (IP:
    [2014-06-21 18:41:21] LOGIN: [WMR]Azure tried to log in as '[WMR]Azure' (Unknown account) (IP: Serial: 78009F6538E68B9F3B93D96639F40EA3)
    [2014-06-21 18:41:28] ADMIN: [WMR]Azure registered account '[WMR]Azure' (IP: Serial: 78009F6538E68B9F3B93D96639F40EA3)
    [2014-06-21 18:41:29] QUIT: [WMR]Azure left the game [Quit]
    [2014-06-21 18:41:31] LOGIN: Golden_Blood tried to log in as '2mirko4' (Unknown account) (IP: Serial: 30E58E6E788DBB468463DB41D0ACFEA4)
    [2014-06-21 18:41:36] LOGIN: Golden_Blood tried to log in as 'Golden_Blood' (Unknown account) (IP: Serial: 30E58E6E788DBB468463DB41D0ACFEA4)
    [2014-06-21 18:41:44] LOGIN: Golden_Blood tried to log in as '2mirko4' (Unknown account) (IP: Serial: 30E58E6E788DBB468463DB41D0ACFEA4)

    Kann mir wer helfen?