Beiträge von 1711steven

    Versuche erstmal mit den Lua Basics klar zukommen. Lade dir z.B. ein paar Ressourcen runter und schaue dir die Lua's mal an, und versuche sie zu verstehen.

    Google ist sicherlich auch eine Alternative.

    MfG Steven

    Hab ja gesagt ich bin da noch voll unerfahren tut mir auch leid für meine Doofheit :X Wäre schön wenn du mir das vllt. in Skype o.a erklären könntest?

    Hier mal meine SQL:

    -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
    -- version
    -- Host: localhost
    -- Erstellungszeit: 02. Februar 2011 um 20:46
    -- Server Version: 5.0.51
    -- PHP-Version: 5.2.6-1+lenny8


    /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;

    -- Datenbank: `Godtmother`

    -- --------------------------------------------------------

    -- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `car_data`

    `ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `VehID` int(11) default NULL,
    `Owner` text,
    `Ownerslot` text,
    `X` double default NULL,
    `Y` double default NULL,
    `Z` double default NULL,
    `RX` double default NULL,
    `RY` double default NULL,
    `RZ` double default NULL,
    `Tuning` text,
    `VColors` text,
    `LColors` text,

    -- --------------------------------------------------------

    -- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `house_data`

    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `house_data` (
    `ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `Int` int(11) default NULL,
    `Owner` text,
    `Preis` int(11) default NULL,
    `X` double default NULL,
    `Y` double default NULL,
    `Z` double default NULL,
    `Lock` int(11) default NULL,

    Alssooo noch mal ganz von vorne.

    Ich würde gerne das Godmother System auf meinem Lan Server für mich und meine Freunde nutzen.
    Und das Bank und Autosystem zunutzen brauche ich MySql, da ich davon leider keine Ahnung habe brauche ich eine ganz genaue Anleitung von den Datein die ich benötige und was ich damit machen muss. Auf der wiki Seite finde ich nur einzelne Datein (ich weiß net ob ich da richtig bin).
    Da ich sehr wenig Ahnung von Scripten habe brauche ich EURE Hilfe :)
    Die Fehlermeldung habe ich oben in einem Screen gepostet.

    Vielen Dank für euer Aufmerksamkeit und sry für den 4x Post lol

    Soo nach einem Server restart gehts wieder nicht?! Was ist falsch?

    MTA Config:


    <!-- This parameter specifies the name the server will be visible as in the ingame server browser
    and on Game-Monitor. It is a required parameter. -->
    <servername>RealLife V.1</servername>

    needed for professional servers and should be left blank otherwise.
    This parameter specifies the IP to use for servers that have multiple IP addresses. If left
    blank, it will default to server's standard local IP address. -->

    <!-- This parameter specifies the Maximum Transmission Unit or maximum packet size that the server
    will use. This will depend on the nature of your clients, as well as the network medium your
    server is connected to. -->

    <!-- This parameter specifies the UDP port on which the server will be accepting incoming player
    connections; default value: 22003. It is a required parameter. -->

    <!-- This parameter specifies the number of maximum player slots available on the server; default
    value: 32. It is a required parameter. -->

    <!-- This parameter specifies whether the builtin http server will be used.
    Values: 0 - disabled , 1 - enabled ; default value: 1. Optional parameter. -->

    <!-- This parameter specifies the TCP port on which the server will be accepting incoming http
    connections. It can be set to the same value as <serverport>. It is a required parameter
    if <httpserver> is set to 1. -->

    <!-- If set, this parameter specifies the external URL from which clients will be able to download
    needed resources ingame. Otherwise they will download them directly from the server. -->

    <!-- This parameter specifies whether the client files for hosting on an external web server should be
    automatically copied into mods/deathmatch/resource-cache/http-client-files/
    Only relevant if <httpdownloadurl> is set.
    Values: 0 - disabled , 1 - enabled ; default value: 1. Optional parameter. -->

    <!-- This parameter is deprecated. Please use httpmaxconnectionsperclient instead-->

    <!-- This parameter limits the number of http connections each client can make. Depending on the type
    of http server that is used, a lower figure may reduce download timeouts.
    Available range: 1 to 8. -->

    <!-- This parameter specifies what types of checks the clients should make to ensure there has
    been no tampering with certain settings.
    Values: 0 - disabled , -1 - everything. default value: -1. -->

    <!-- Comma seperated list of disabled anti-cheats.
    e.g. To disable anti-cheat #2 and #3, use: 2,3 -->

    <!-- Minimum client version. Clients with a lower version will not be allowed to connect. After
    disconnection, clients will be given an opportunity to download an update (if their client
    supports auto-update).
    If left blank, this setting is disabled and there are no restrictions on who can connect.
    Version numbers look like this: 1.0.4-9.01746.0 -->

    <!-- Recommended client version. When connecting, if clients have a lower version, they will be given
    the option to download an update (if their client supports auto-update).
    If left blank, this setting is disabled. -->

    <!-- This parameter can be used to make the server report to Game-Monitor master servers, allowing it to
    be visible in the ingame server browser. An additional UDP port needs to be available for this to
    work (value from <serverport> + 123 , so on a default <serverport> value 22003 the right port
    will be 22126 ). Available values: 0 - disabled , 1 - enabled. Optional parameter, defaults to 0. -->

    <!-- This parameter allows you to disable LAN broadcasting. -->

    <!-- If set, players will have to provide a password specified below, before they can connect to the
    server. If left blank, server doesn't require a password from them. -->

    <!-- Specifies the location and name of the main server log file. If left blank, server won't be saving this file. -->

    <!-- As well as the main log file, login successes and failures are logged here for easy reviewing of security issues.
    If left blank, this file is not used -->

    <!-- This parameter specifies the location and name of the Access Control List settings file. If left
    blank, server will use acl.xml file, located in the same folder as this configuration file. -->

    <!-- Specifies the location and name of the debugscript log file. If left blank, server won't be saving this file. -->

    <!-- Specifies the level of the debugscript log file. Available values: 0, 1, 2, 3. When not set, defaults to 0. -->

    <!-- Specifies the level of the html debug. Available values: 0, 1, 2, 3. When not set, defaults to 0. -->

    <!-- Specifies the server frames limit. Minimum value: 25, default: 36. -->

    <!-- Specifies the module(s) which are loaded with the server. To load several modules, add more <module>
    parameter(s). Optional parameter. -->
    <module src="sample_win32.dll"/>
    <!-- <module src=""/> -->
    <module src="mta_mysql.dll" />

    <!-- Specifies resources that are loaded when the server starts and/or which are protected from being stopped.
    To specify several resources, add more <resource> parameter(s). -->

    <resource src="admin" startup="1" protected="0"/>
    <resource src="helpmanager" startup="1" protected="0"/>
    <resource src="joinquit" startup="1" protected="0"/>
    <resource src="defaultstats" startup="1" protected="0"/>
    <resource src="mapcycler" startup="1" protected="0"/>
    <resource src="mapmanager" startup="1" protected="0"/>
    <resource src="parachute" startup="1" protected="0"/>
    <resource src="resourcebrowser" startup="1" protected="1" default="true"/>
    <resource src="resourcemanager" startup="1" protected="1"/>
    <resource src="scoreboard" startup="1" protected="0"/>
    <resource src="spawnmanager" startup="1" protected="0"/>
    <resource src="votemanager" startup="1" protected="0"/>
    <resource src="webadmin" startup="1" protected="0"/>

    <!-- play is the default freeroam gamemode. Remove the following line to prevent it from starting. -->
    <resource src="play" startup="1" protected="0"/>


    Hallo MTA-Community,

    ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Script wo man User in eine Fraktion einfügen kann und diese dann dort auch Spawnnen.

    Sanitäter= LS Krankenhaus in der Stadt

    Polizei= LSPD

    Army= Autohaus Grottis (selbst gemmappte Base)

    Da ich leider nur über sehr wenig Scripting erfahrung verfügt bitte ich um genau erklärungen :) Danke.