Beiträge von [GMR]Rayman

    Hallo Member/User

    Wir von XtremE suche einen neuen mit Inhaber da unser Inhaber sehr viel scheiße gebaut hat mehr möchte ich dazu
    auch nicht sagen.
    Wer sich gerne für melden will einfach Nachricht an mich schreiben er sollte Scripten können aber ned der beste da drinne
    sein, also einfach Nachricht an mich und ich sage dann nur Nein oder Ja ich bin soweit fertig mit dem Server aber ich
    könnte noch eine Rechte Hand gebrauchen die mir ein bissl hilft bei so manchen dingen.

    MFG euer Rayman :D


    Ich habe ein Problem und zwar ich habe mir die autoteam resource gedownloadet aber sie funkt ned ich habe die die Teams in der config verändert aber sie werden ned

    Hier Die Config.xml

    Add your teams here. Please note that the resource needs to be restarted for the changes in this file to take effect.

    Required attributes:
    - name: The name of the team

    Optional attributes:
    - color: The color of the team as HTML-Color
    - tag: The clantag the players should have to be put in the team. This does not have to be a clantag of course,
    it can be any part of the nick.
    - aclGroup: The ACL Group the player should be in to be put in the team
    - required: If set to 'both', both the tag and the aclGroup have to match for a player to be put in the team
    (otherwise only one of them has to match, so if you only want players that are in a certain aclGroup
    to get in the team, only define the aclGroup)

    <team name="Cool-Clan Members" color="#FF0000" tag="[Cool]" aclGroup="Moderator" required="both" />

    This will add a team which will be displayed as 'Cool-Clan Members' with red color and to which players will be added
    that have '[Cool]' somewhere in their nick and are in the ACL Group 'Moderator'.

    <!-- <team name="Polizei" color="#FF0000" tag="[Polizei]" aclGroup="Polizei" /> -->

    ok jetzt sieht es so aus geht aber immer noch ned:

    TriadenMarkerOut=createMarker(-2172.83984375,679.89331054688,55.162403106689,"cylinder",. 1.5,0,255,0)

    function TriadenTel(thePlayer)
    if getElementType(thePlayer) =="player" then
    setElementPosition(thePlayer, -2124, 792, 21)
    setElementInterior(thePlayer, 0)


    Ich habe mir ein Teleporter Script gebastelt aber funktioniert ned der Marker erscheint nicht da passiert garnichts.
    Aber der Script taucht im Admin Panel auf.

    Hier der Script:

    TriadenMarkerOut=createMarker(-2172.83984375,679.89331054688,55.162403106689"cylinder". 1.5,0,255,0)

    function TriadenTel(thePlayer)
    if getElementType(thePlayer) =="player" then
    setElementPosition(thePlayer, -2124, 792, 21)
    setElementInterior(thePlayer, 0)

    danke schonmal das register system funktioniert aber die autoteam resource nicht.

    hier der quellcode:

    Add your teams here. Please note that the resource needs to be restarted for the changes in this file to take effect.

    Required attributes:
    - name: The name of the team

    Optional attributes:
    - color: The color of the team as HTML-Color
    - tag: The clantag the players should have to be put in the team. This does not have to be a clantag of course,
    it can be any part of the nick.
    - aclGroup: The ACL Group the player should be in to be put in the team
    - required: If set to 'both', both the tag and the aclGroup have to match for a player to be put in the team
    (otherwise only one of them has to match, so if you only want players that are in a certain aclGroup
    to get in the team, only define the aclGroup)

    <team name="Cool-Clan Members" color="#FF0000" tag="[Cool]" aclGroup="Moderator" required="both" />

    This will add a team which will be displayed as 'Cool-Clan Members' with red color and to which players will be added
    that have '[Cool]' somewhere in their nick and are in the ACL Group 'Moderator'.

    <!-- <team name="Triaden" color="#FF0000" tag="[Trieden][GMR]Rayman" aclGroup="Everyone" /> -->