Server startet wegen mysql nicht

  • Guten tag habe einen roleplay server erstellt das bleipt bei login und register screen hängen und gibt error ich glaub das liegt an der einstelung der mysql so sieht der log aus beim start bitte hillft mir

    [2015-09-21 17:37:56] SCRIPT ERROR: report-system/s_reports.lua:1: unexpected symbol near '?'
    [2015-09-21 17:37:56] ERROR: Loading script failed: report-system/s_reports.lua:1: unexpected symbol near '?'
    [2015-09-21 17:37:56] SCRIPT ERROR: shop-system/g_shopinfo.lua:117: '}' expected (to close '{' at line 13) near 'name'
    [2015-09-21 17:37:56] ERROR: Loading script failed: shop-system/g_shopinfo.lua:117: '}' expected (to close '{' at line 13) near 'name'
    [2015-09-21 17:37:56] SCRIPT ERROR: shop-system/s_generalshop_system.lua:154: '=' expected near 'if'
    [2015-09-21 17:37:56] ERROR: Loading script failed: shop-system/s_generalshop_system.lua:154: '=' expected near 'if'
    [2015-09-21 17:37:56] SCRIPT ERROR: tag-system/s_tag_system.lua:157: '=' expected near 'function'
    [2015-09-21 17:37:56] ERROR: Loading script failed: tag-system/s_tag_system.lua:157: '=' expected near 'function'
    [2015-09-21 17:37:56] WARNING: account-system/c_options.lua(Line 60) [Client] isPlayerDead is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with isPedDead.
    [2015-09-21 17:37:56] Some files in 'account-system' use deprecated functions.
    [2015-09-21 17:37:56] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
    [2015-09-21 17:37:56] ERROR: account-system/s_main.lua:31: attempt to index local 'motdresult' (a nil value)
    [2015-09-21 17:37:56] INFO: MYSQL ERROR 1146: Table 'db_797.applications' doesn't exist
    [2015-09-21 17:37:56] SCRIPT ERROR: object-system/s_convert.lua:21: '=' expected near 'end'
    [2015-09-21 17:37:56] ERROR: Loading script failed: object-system/s_convert.lua:21: '=' expected near 'end'
    [2015-09-21 17:37:56] SCRIPT ERROR: donators/s_donations.lua:193: '=' expected near 'exports'
    [2015-09-21 17:37:56] ERROR: Loading script failed: donators/s_donations.lua:193: '=' expected near 'exports'
    [2015-09-21 17:37:56] ERROR: hud c_achievement.lua is invalid. Please re-compile at
    [2015-09-21 17:37:56] INFO: MYSQL ERROR 1146: Table 'db_797.gates' doesn't exist
    [2015-09-21 17:37:56] ERROR: toll/g_tollports.lua:238: attempt to call global 'f' (a nil value)
    [2015-09-21 17:37:56] SCRIPT ERROR: toll/s_tollsystem.lua:113: '=' expected near 'if'
    [2015-09-21 17:37:56] ERROR: Loading script failed: toll/s_tollsystem.lua:113: '=' expected near 'if'
    [2015-09-21 17:37:56] ERROR: Couldn't find resource gate-system. Check it exists.
    [2015-09-21 17:37:57] ERROR: tint c_tinted_windows.lua is invalid. Please re-compile at
    [2015-09-21 17:37:57] Server started and is ready to accept connections!
    [2015-09-21 17:37:57] To stop the server, type 'shutdown' or press Ctrl-C
    [2015-09-21 17:37:57] Type 'help' for a list of commands.
    [2015-09-21 17:37:57] INFO: Fetching news failed: 3
    [2015-09-21 17:37:57] Querying MTA master server... success! (Auto detected IP:
    [2015-09-21 17:37:57] Stopping global
    [2015-09-21 17:37:57] Starting global
    [2015-09-21 17:37:57] SCRIPT ERROR: global/g_admin_globals.lua:57: '=' expected near 'table'
    [2015-09-21 17:37:57] ERROR: Loading script failed: global/g_admin_globals.lua:57: '=' expected near 'table'
    [2015-09-21 17:37:57] global restarted successfully
    [2015-09-21 17:38:56] INFO: MYSQL ERROR 1146: Table 'db_797.applications' doesn't exist
    [2015-09-21 17:39:11] Server minclientversion is now 1.5.0-9.07486
    [2015-09-21 17:39:11] CONNECT: BeneficialFrenchhorn44 connected (IP: Serial: 88463F4DCB94814B45F4EF4AC0D2C744 Version: 1.5.0-9.07486.0)
    [2015-09-21 17:39:19] JOIN: BeneficialFrenchhorn44 joined the game (IP:
    [2015-09-21 17:39:45] ERROR: Client (BeneficialFrenchhorn44) triggered serverside event tintDemWindows, but event is not added serverside
    [2015-09-21 17:39:47] ERROR: Client (BeneficialFrenchhorn44) triggered serverside event onJoin, but event is not added serverside
    [2015-09-21 17:39:56] INFO: MYSQL ERROR 1146: Table 'db_797.applications' doesn't exist
    [2015-09-21 17:40:01] INFO: MYSQL ERROR 1054: Unknown column 'registerdate' in 'field list'
    [2015-09-21 17:40:02] INFO: MYSQL ERROR 1054: Unknown column 'registerdate' in 'field list'
    [2015-09-21 17:40:05] QUIT: BeneficialFrenchhorn44 left the game [Quit]
    [2015-09-21 17:40:56] INFO: MYSQL ERROR 1146: Table 'db_797.applications' doesn't exist
    [2015-09-21 17:41:56] INFO: MYSQL ERROR 1146: Table 'db_797.applications' doesn't exist
    [2015-09-21 17:42:56] INFO: MYSQL ERROR 1146: Table 'db_797.applications' doesn't exist
    [2015-09-21 17:43:56] INFO: MYSQL ERROR 1146: Table 'db_797.applications' doesn't exist
    = Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas v1.5
    = Server name : Default MTA Server
    = Server IP address:
    = Server port : 22015
    = Log file : ..58_20_22015/mods/deathmatch/logs/server.log
    = Maximum players : 16
    = HTTP port : 22015
    = Voice Chat : Disabled
    = Bandwidth saving : Medium
    [2015-09-21 17:46:43] WARNING: Ignoring duplicate client file in resource 'account-system': 'img/100.png'
    [2015-09-21 17:46:43] WARNING: Ignoring duplicate client file in resource 'computers-system': 'websites/images/san-logo.png'
    [2015-09-21 17:46:43] ERROR: Couldn't find script hex/hexgate.lua for resource gate-system
    [2015-09-21 17:46:43] Loading of resource 'gate-system' failed
    [2015-09-21 17:46:43] ERROR: Couldn't find map Interiors/ for resource interior-system
    [2015-09-21 17:46:43] Loading of resource 'interior-system' failed
    [2015-09-21 17:46:43] ERROR: Couldn't find map Interiors/ for resource map-system
    [2015-09-21 17:46:43] Loading of resource 'map-system' failed
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] ERROR: Couldn't find script server/cfgloader.lua for resource nothing
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] Loading of resource 'nothing' failed
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] Resources: 116 loaded, 0 failed
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] MODULE: Unable to load mods/deathmatch/modules/mta_mysql.dll (/home/panel/servers/144_76_58_20_22015/mods/deathmatch/modules/mta_mysql.dll: Ungültiger ELF-Header)
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] MODULE: Loaded "MySQL 5.0 database module" (0.50) by "Alberto Alonso <[email protected]>"
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] Starting resources....
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] SCRIPT ERROR: global/g_admin_globals.lua:57: '=' expected near 'table'
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] ERROR: Loading script failed: global/g_admin_globals.lua:57: '=' expected near 'table'
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] ERROR: global/s_money_globals.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string "?"]
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] SCRIPT ERROR: admin-system/Vehicle/s_vehicle_commands.lua:542: '=' expected near 'outputChatBox'
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] ERROR: Loading script failed: admin-system/Vehicle/s_vehicle_commands.lua:542: '=' expected near 'outputChatBox'
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] SCRIPT ERROR: admin-system/Player/s_adminjail.lua:60: '=' expected near 'setElementDimension'
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] ERROR: Loading script failed: admin-system/Player/s_adminjail.lua:60: '=' expected near 'setElementDimension'
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] SCRIPT ERROR: chat-system/s_chat_system.lua:638: '=' expected near 'end'
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] ERROR: Loading script failed: chat-system/s_chat_system.lua:638: '=' expected near 'end'
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] INFO: MYSQL ERROR 1146: Table 'db_797.computers' doesn't exist
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:44: exports: Call to non-running server resource (logs) [string "?"]
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] SCRIPT ERROR: elevator-system/s_elevator_system.lua:74: '=' expected near 'return'
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] ERROR: Loading script failed: elevator-system/s_elevator_system.lua:74: '=' expected near 'return'
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] SCRIPT ERROR: fuel-system/s_fuel_peds.lua:38: '=' expected near 'addEventHandler'
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] ERROR: Loading script failed: fuel-system/s_fuel_peds.lua:38: '=' expected near 'addEventHandler'
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] ERROR: gps-system c_vehiclenodes_.lua is invalid. Please re-compile at
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] Please wait...
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] WARNING: heligrab/c_heli.lua(Line 142) [Client] isPlayerDead is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with isPedDead before Tuesday.
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] Some files in 'heligrab' use deprecated functions.
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] ERROR: Couldn't find resource interior-system. Check it exists.
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] SCRIPT ERROR: bank-system/s_atm_system.lua:112: unexpected symbol near '!'
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] ERROR: Loading script failed: bank-system/s_atm_system.lua:112: unexpected symbol near '!'
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] SCRIPT ERROR: item-system/s_item_system.lua:805: '=' expected near 'end'
    [2015-09-21 17:46:44] ERROR: Loading script failed: item-system/s_item_system.lua:805: '=' expected near 'end'

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